A Study of Inter-Generational Occupational Mobility in the Philippines
by Melinda Medalle Bacol, Master of Arts in Demography (1971)
The study of Philippine social mobility is of great importance considering its consequence for economic development and social-structural change. Social mobility is the response of any three factors: industrialization, equalization of opportunities or a combination of both.
The sample in this study consisted of married males within the age range twenty-five to sixty-four whose information data were derived from the National Demographic Survey of May, 1968. Occupation was utilized as a socio-economic indicator. Occupational mobility was inter-generational or the movement occurring across parental and filial generations.
Extent of stability, extent and distance of upward-downward mobility constituted the general format of investigation. On the national and urban levels of investigation with the individual as the unit of analysis, occupational differentials were of central interest. In addition to family background, level of educational attainment was considered as another determinant of occupational success. A societal level of comparison was conducted to see whether a typology of countries on occupational mobility according to level of development could be obtained.
The sample in this study consisted of married males within the age range twenty-five to sixty-four whose information data were derived from the National Demographic Survey of May, 1968. Occupation was utilized as a socio-economic indicator. Occupational mobility was inter-generational or the movement occurring across parental and filial generations.
Extent of stability, extent and distance of upward-downward mobility constituted the general format of investigation. On the national and urban levels of investigation with the individual as the unit of analysis, occupational differentials were of central interest. In addition to family background, level of educational attainment was considered as another determinant of occupational success. A societal level of comparison was conducted to see whether a typology of countries on occupational mobility according to level of development could be obtained.